Bounties May 2020
Bounty rules
Bounties are a good way to motivate someone to work on one of the Challenges. It doesn't have to be monetary, be creative! A bounty should be defined specific enough that an objective third party can judge whether the bounty is granted or not.
Schnaps bounty
For every issue solved on the Room77 Point-of-Sale project (The Quickening) you get a free schnaps when you visit a future Bitcoin Meetup in the Room77 Berlin. Sponsored by rootzoll.
LNbits bounty
x3 0.03btc bounties available for developing an LNbits extension,
Spam Bounty
1337000 Satoshi bounty for building a working prototype for a Wiki Spam Protection challenge.
Tor2Ip Service Bounty
User:CapitalistDog has added a 1M sat bounty for a service API for this project on behalf of ShockWallet for the TOR2IP-Tunnelservice challenge